How To Make The World A Better Place

Do you have any hope that the planet can improve? Many of you think that it is impossible, but you’re wrong. Our actions in the present and past have caused the current state of our world. Our actions don’t have the right to affect the future of the entire world. It is possible to make the world a better place if racism and communism are eliminated. Racism is one way to make the world better. Racism occurs when someone is discriminated against or judged based on the color of their skin. Racism is a complex issue that can take many forms, such as the words or actions people use. Racism could be ended if specific laws were passed to curb these acts.

If someone offends a certain race by saying something, then they should be prosecuted, tried in court, and possibly jailed. It would make people more careful about what they say and do. The laws could also be changed to stop people from being vile towards people of color. Police brutality is one example. We can eliminate racism if we have stricter penalties for officers who hurt, bashing and killing innocents. Racism must be stopped if you want to see the world progress. To make our lives better, racism and poverty must both be eradicated. When people are poor, they can’t afford to buy basic necessities like food and water. We can all be heroes to them. We can help by donating to different charities who provide aid to those in need. They will then have more cash to spend on things like clothing and food. We could donate food to food drives so people with less money can purchase food. We can also help people living on the street. These people have no jobs, and they don’t even have a place to sleep or eat. Some people help, but a lot of others don’t. People of the middle class could donate a few dollars, or even some drinks or food to these people. People with a lot of money can give more generous gifts. For example, they could buy them new clothes, or provide them with enough money to feed them for a full week. These actions would help to end poverty and bring us closer to a more peaceful world. In order to make the world better, we have to change how some countries work, particularly communist nations.

North Korea and other communist countries are a big reason we live in an unsafe world. Some of these leaders can be dangerous because they treat their citizens as well their neighbouring states in a way that makes them fearful and anxious about their home. These leaders must understand that their countries are being run badly, and this has a negative impact on the rest of world. Even in history, communist states never had a positive effect on world affairs. Take Nazi Germany as an example. A communist country, they thought that Jews could not live in peace, so started to murder them all. It was this that led to World War 2. During the war, people died every day and struggled to feed their families. Is it necessary for such events to occur again? Isn’t it enough that humanity has suffered? We will not be able to live peacefully in the future if communist nations continue their actions. Racism, poverty, and communist nations must be stopped. Stopping these three things will allow us to live in peace like our ancestors. When will this be stopped? How long do we have to wait before we are happy? This problem can be resolved only if all of us work together. Let’s get started!

God has blessed humans with many blessings, including health and body. These blessings are for us to use to improve the world. The world around us is full of information that influences our thoughts and enriches the mind. Humans have created a beautiful world. Its population was 7.7 billion in November 2019. Humans’ choices have made the world less safe. According to the Prophet Mohammed, may peace be on him: “People are equal like the toothcomb”. Racial discrimination is one of the biggest problems facing our society today. Human trafficking and climate change are also major concerns.

Racial bias is when people are treated unfairly based on what they perceive to be their group, class, or category. The most common victims of discrimination on the basis of skin color are people with dark skin, while those having lighter skin receive preferential treatment. Those with darker skin tend to get lower incomes and have a higher rate of imprisonment. They also receive fewer jobs. The practice of discrimination against people based on their skin color dates back centuries. An analysis shows that this is most prevalent among black Americans. A person’s religious beliefs and religion are protected by law. Religious discrimination is possible in many different places, such as the workplace, in providing goods, services or facilities, and in colleges or schools. A restaurant or hotel cannot refuse service to someone based on their religion or beliefs. It is illegal to treat someone unfairly at work due to their religious beliefs. This is called harassment. Communication and coexistence are at the core of human existence.

Labor trafficking is another major problem that we face today. The labor trafficking involves individuals performing services or work through fraud, coercion, or force. Traffickers will often set up their victim by offering them a high paying job. They can do this through staffing agencies, advertising, word-of-mouth, or online. The Human Trafficking Hotline describes it as using “violence to coerce people to work in industries against their will.” People forced to be servants or farmworkers coerced into harvesting crops with violence are common types of labor trafficking. Manufacture employees who work in horrific conditions and receive very little pay may also fall under this category.

The environmental problems that humans cause are also important. Global warming is one of many issues. When carbon dioxide, pollutants in the air and greenhouse gases are gathered within the atmospheric layer, they absorb the sunlight and the radiation that has bounced from the earth surface. One of the most common issues is the burning fossil fuels, which traps heat. Power plants that burn coal are among the most polluting. Climate change may also affect food availability. Climate change can reduce agricultural production due to changes in weather patterns, temperature increases, and changes in precipitation patterns. Through the inclusion of educational materials in the education system for children, it is possible to teach them to respect the environment. Legislation and incentives are needed to protect the environment. Civil society organizations can participate in the protection of the environment by distributing publications, holding awareness sessions and working on environmental workshops.

Even though the world is beautiful, there are still many things that need to change to make it a safer and better place. The world is still being torn apart by inequality, which leads to high death rates. Violence and threats are used to force people to work against their wishes. The last thing is that humans are rapidly ruining the world by their choices in an attempt to lead a better lifestyle. It was decades ago that humans did what they thought impossible. They are still trying to make the world better, but we need to be more persistent. These positive aspects may have negative effects on the rest of the planet.


  • rylandwatkins

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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