Role Of Humanistic Approach In Education

Our world is dominated by technological advances and it has a significant impact on our daily lives. The advancements in digital technology are now being used in education (Habler and al., 2016). However, these advances can have adverse effects on students’ learning. They can become disconnected from the world, making them inefficient and dependent learners. This doesn’t allow them to develop their unique talents. Humanistic Approach to education, however, is geared towards educating learners and developing them into a ‘whole individual’. It sees them first as human beings that need to fulfill their basic needs (Maslow; n.d.). This allows them to bring all aspects of themselves along the way to development.

Technology integration in education could be the reason students are separated in real life (“15 Disadvantages Of Technology in Education,” 2015). Dewey (n.d.) says that students need to have real-life experiences and tasks in order to fully understand the information they need. Students learn best when they have the opportunity to share their everyday experiences and to reflect on them. However, this is not possible if they aren’t given the opportunity to do so because there are many online tasks. They lack the social interaction that they need to make friends and learn from others. Roszak (1986; Gilman 1989) cautions that the information that we use to understand it is decreasing our creativity and threat to that ability. Technology should not be used to hinder student learning. Cullen & Gasparini (2012, referenced in Habler, 2015) found that tablets had a negative effect on student learning outcomes. The task was to increase the student’s creativity in writing. Joyce and Weil (1986) cited Shinn Yun Ho (1997) said that students respond differently to different teaching methods. It is important that teachers choose the right method for the learning process.

Technology is not able to execute personalized learning (Watanabe–Crockett, N.D.). It doesn’t foster the unique talents of students because they are restricted in their use of it. Moskowitz (1978, quoted in Stevick (90) emphasises that the Humanistic approach is unique and unique because it considers how students feel about themselves. It recognizes and takes into consideration each learner’s goals, personal interests, and capabilities to help them realize their full potential. It empowers students to reach their full potential and self realization, which is the basis of their future development.

Humanistic thinking allows each person to become the person that they are. It allows us to deeply understand ourselves and helps us identify the strengths and weaknesses. Although it is not as straightforward to acquire intellectual knowledge as the Technological approach does, it can lead to the humanistic knowledge many people seek. Technological advancement can help students learn and improve their skills, but it doesn’t cover the fundamental knowledge that all humans need.


  • rylandwatkins

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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