Taking Action – A Superior Way To Solve Conflict

A drunken man uses an axe to break the windows on a Lamborghini. Your TV stopped working on a Monday evening, just as Monday Night Football was starting. These two examples both involve conflict. When faced with conflict, one has to determine what they are going do. Will he wait for the conflict to end, run away from it, or do something about it? It is clear that, although there are several ways to deal with conflict, people respond best by taking action.

Take action in different ways to solve conflicts. Hitler Youth is one example of how violence can be used to achieve a goal. Susan Campbell Bartoletti in the Hitler Youth paragraph states “…Broke a window of Latin Teacher…for low grade.” This was the method that the Hitler Youth would use when there were “conflicts” and they received bad grades from the Latin Teacher. If one does not want to use violence, they can still take action by forming their own opinions and spreading them. Sophie Scholl, a Nazi German girl, took action with her views. She “began growing away from National Socialist views about race, duty, and religion” in the Hitler Youth passage. She was forming new political views. These methods may seem ineffective to some, but they are all available. Take Action, as well.

Winston Churchill stated that he would wage war on land, air and sea. The war will be waged with our full strength and the might God has granted us. We are going to fight against a monstrous regime that is unsurpassed in the sad and pathetic catalogue of human crimes. Winston Churchill’s influence on modern history is widely known, so it is important that everyone emulates his actions in conflicts.

Many people may think the Japanese Americans in the Japanese Internment Camp did well not to take action. However, those who took action are remembered in history. History has seen many instances where taking action was necessary. Baltimore has taken action against police brutality as recently as 2015, when African American Freddie Gray died due to police violence.

Baynard Woods of The Guardian and Madhvi Pankhania report that “the clash spread from the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue to North Avenue where CVS and other stores were looted.” Rioters burned a CVS store and a cop car. The police are positioned in battalions, keeping watch. The young crowds swarmed downtown, smashing windows and setting fire to more buildings. The governor and mayor declared a curfew and a state emergency for the next night.

During the last 300-years, many conflicts have been resolved by taking action. Boston Tea Party and Women’s Suffrage Parade are examples of successful protests. Of course, someone will always say that “Ignoring or ignoring has worked before too!” but it isn’t common and won’t work since the source of the conflicts will keep growing. Hitler, as an example, continued to take land during the first two years while Europe looked on, hoping not to start a conflict. He never stopped. The best way to respond in conflict is by taking action.

You can resolve conflict in many different ways. Anyone can do it. Action has been used by hordes influential people to solve conflicts they found themselves in. Taking action is a technique that has been employed so many times in history, it’s become a way of choosing. Take action today if it worked before.


  • rylandwatkins

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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