The Analysis Of I Hear America Singing

Walt Whitman is America’s ‘world poet. He was a poet, journalist, teacher and a Civil War nurse. He was an avid reader who was mostly self-taught. Whitman’s verse style was unique, as it challenged the traditional narrative. He portrayed himself often as a tough, independent man, who advocated individualism. It is hard to overstate the impact Whitman has had on American literature in the last century. Whitman is a modern American icon of democracy and his poetry resonates with youth today. Whitman’s elegy allowed him to break free from the cliched mourning that was prevalent in his time. A lament is an elegy, a serious poem that reflects on the past. Whitman’s ‘When The Lilacs Bloom’d’, one of his famous elegies, mourns Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. Lincoln and Whitman had a shared patriotic ideal of bringing their American dreams to life. Whitman’s patriotic poetry like “I Hear America Singing” is well-known. Patriotic poetry is a type of poem that speaks out for freedom and expresses gratitude and pride to those who helped make America a better place to live. Whitman believed in unity and harmony. He believed that similarities could be the key to achieving a common goal. The poem also shows the patriotism among Americans.

Wystan Hugh Aden was a poet born in England who became an American citizen. Auden’s poetry is known for its style and technical accomplishments. The central themes of his poetry were morality, politics, social and psycho-social orientations. His poems are also infused with religious and scientific themes. He was able to better understand the human condition and how society affects an individual. He was likely the first English-language poet to employ imagery in psychoanalysis, as well as terms. Auden wrote ‘In Memory Of W. B. Yeats,’ to mourn the death of Irish poet William Butler Yeats. W.B Yeats helped to establish the Abbey Theatre and was a pillar of Irish literature. Yeats wrote his poetry with a combination of allusive words and symbolism throughout his entire career.

James Mercer Langston Hughes is an American poet. He was one of first pioneers in the art of ‘Jazz’ poetry, which was then a new form. Hughes shared a sense of pride in his race with other Harlem Renaissance activists. Hughes was one of those well-known Harlem Renaissance leaders. Hughes embraced African American culture through humor and spirituality, and promoted equality. Hughes argues that patriotism, the highest form, is love of neighbors.

In this essay, we analyse Walt Whitman’s poems ‘When Lilacs lasted in the Dooryard Bloomed’ and I Hear Americasinging. Two other poems also have similar themes. They are “In Memory Of W.B.” and “Let America Be America Again.” Yeats, ‘Let America Be America again’ and the treatment of similar themes are compared.


  • rylandwatkins

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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