The Causes Of Imperialism In Africa

Imperialism refers to the dominance that one country has on another country’s social, economic, or political life. Europeans colonized many countries and traded gold, slaves, and various other resources in the 1800s. The Europeans colonized Africa because it had the raw materials and resources that they wanted. Document C is the most notable document because it discusses all the technological advances that led to colonialism. This could have been the answer to the question, “What was driving European Imperialism in Africa?” But we shouldn’t rush to judgement, because there were many reasons why Europeans occupied Africa. Imperialism was driven by many factors, including cultural and political motives. Imperialism was primarily driven by economics.

The power of political competition and nationalism (which is a driving force behind European imperialism) was one factor that fueled it. Document A shows the Europeans’ competition in the form of a map that includes the colonized countries. The document A shows the Europeans’ desire to dominate and be more superior than others. In document B, John Ruskin’s speech in 1870, he emphasizes the importance of colonizing the world as quickly and far as possible to create the best men and advance the country. Freidrich Fabri also spoke in 1879 about the same topic, but he talked about Germany becoming more like Britain, so they could compete. Imperialism was driven by political power because it was profitable. The money made was used as a tool to further the imperialism. Document F is an example of this. Rudyard Kipling was a British writer who ordered the people in the document to perform certain tasks, such as Go bind yo r sons in exile’, “To serve yo ur captives’s needs’, and To wait in heavi harness’. Kipling wanted them to accomplish these things to help their culture. Culture was a driving force behind imperialism, as Europeans were driven to conquer Africa in order to relieve Africans of their suffering. Kiplings order for people to serve and help natives has led to this.

Economics (use and creation of money) was at the heart of European imperialism. Document C shows how different technological advancements were used in the 19th Century. Document D also shows the economic value of the African Colony’s resources, such as coffee, sugar and copper. Lastly, document E presents the imports & exports from Great Britain & South Saharan Africa, 1854 – 1900, on a chart. Imperialism was primarily driven by economic factors, which led to many innovations and advantages in the 1800s. In the 1800s, money was the driving force behind many innovations, including the invention of the rails. It also led to the abundance of food, fabrics, coins, metals alloys, electrical wiring, as well as the manufacture of the rails. It was selfish but it was how Europeans gained more power and wealth.

The essay concludes that, while other forces such as exploration, religious motives and ethnocentricity were at the root of European imperialism, economics and political power were the most influential. The economics, in my view, is the driving force behind modernization and progress because it is responsible for consumption and wealth transfers. This driving force was also responsible for the invention of many weapons and military artilleries that helped soldiers fight in war.


  • rylandwatkins

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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