The Differences In Nonverbal Communication Between Different Cultures

A good example is the way people communicate nonverbally. In the U.S. people use their index fingers to point. In Germany, they use their pinkies. Japanese, however, find it rude to use an index finger. Western and Arabic cultures consider direct eye to eyes contact to be positive because it is seen as a show of interest.

People often use handshakes. In the U.S. it’s not a big deal which hand is used when you approach someone. But in Hinduism and Islamic culture, it’s a big deal to never touch anyone with your left hand because that hand is for toilet purposes. Islamic culture does not approve of handshakes between men and women, but they do allow touching (hugging or holding hands) with people who are the same gender. (Knapp)

All of these things are important since people will be interacting with other cultures. This knowledge can help one avoid insulting people from other cultures.

It’s important to be able express your feelings and thoughts without having to say a word. You may not understand my message if I don’t use body language, facial expressions, or posture. Nonverbal communication is essential, since it makes up most of what we say to others. It’s so powerful that even elementary concepts can be communicated without using language. (J Nonverbal behav;41(3).

It is not necessary to speak mandarin in order to understand when someone is sad. It is not necessary for me to speak a word of Russian in order to understand the happiness a mother feels with her baby. The body signals are often so linked to our emotions and thoughts that they can’t be hidden, no matter what you say. The words would be meaningless without nonverbal communications. Nonverbal communications are used to make impressions. Although physical appearance is important, there are other factors that can influence perceptions. The nonverbal language is also used for managing interaction. The use of facial expressions, vocalics, or proxemics to indicate the taking of turns in a conversation and leaving is also used.

There are five categories of nonverbal communication. A. haptics. B. kinesics. C. paralinguistics. D. chronemics. E. Proxemics. Five categories can be recognized by a). Touch, B). Touch C). It is more important to know “how” than “what” someone says. Distance and time-related. Distance-related. According to Meadors, 38(2) was an issue..

You could hug your parents without saying a word after they open their Christmas gift. They will know you were grateful/ enjoyed the gift. Give someone the middle finger to show that they are angry even if you didn’t hear them say it. Also, the peace sign can be used as a body language expression. It’s not the words that matter, but how they say it. Also, yelling is a way to show that you don’t care. The words don’t really matter – it’s the way people say things that shows their anger.

On-time arrival at an interview demonstrates politeness, without having to say it. It’s important to be on time for a party, even if you don’t say it. Sitting on the lap of her boyfriend shows that they are comfortable together without saying anything. Keep a few feet distance from a stranger to indicate that you are unfamiliar, without having to say it. The body language is important. Body language is a very important factor.

When someone lies or begins to dilate, they usually look upwards to the left. Dilated eyes could also be an indication that you are attracted to someone. The gestures people make can reveal a lot about them. The arms held close against the body can mean I’m listening but not really paying attention, or that I have no interest in what you say. By not looking someone in their eyes when you speak, or by turning your gaze away from them when they ask a direct question, you may be trying to hide something. Body language and voice tone can convey a lot more than what someone says. (Janina,-0255-2). Nonverbal communication can often be more accurate than verbal language in conveying the message. When someone lies, you can often tell by their bodylanguage before they speak.

It is a very effective way to communicate in many situations. However, it requires a lot of skill and observation. A surgeon communicating with a nurse through non-verbal communication is a good example. He does not shout or speak to ask for something. The nurse is able to read the expressions and needs of the surgeon by looking at his mask. A mother could communicate with her child without using words. In the case of a visit to a neighboring house, a mother can use non-verbal communication with the child when he/she is not able to speak.

Nonverbal communication allows you to communicate many things in a way that words cannot. It is a way to show emotions. Some are more visible and faster than words. An example is pointing at something that’s dangerous. Your body language would make it clear that you are worried and want the person to look that way. You would have to wait much longer if you didn’t indicate. We can understand gestures such as a policeman stopping you in an intersection while holding his hands up. It is possible to see the gesture even if he cannot communicate verbally. In general, they can also be used to communicate across languages.

Nonverbal communication is more effective than verbal. The way you feel can be communicated through your posture. If you’re trying to convey a positive feeling about yourself, it is important to maintain a good posture and not look down. The body is not able to lie. This means that if someone tries to make a false claim, they might use untruths in their words but it will be the truth from the body because the body responds to thoughts and not to words.

Gestures can be defined as body movements, most commonly the arms or hands, which have a communicational value. Also known as adaptors, illustrators, or emblems. Physical appearance can influence interaction between people. Clothing, jewelry, metals and adornments are all examples. People’s appearance can impact how they react or associate with others. A school setting is a good example. When you see groups congregating, the students usually wear similar clothing (“preps” and “goths”)

Nonverbal communication is a great way to convey a lot of information. It is much easier to understand a person and their emotions than verbal communication, which is often difficult to verify.


  • rylandwatkins

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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