The Things I Would Like To Change In The Modern World

Essay: 3 Things I Would Change About the World

There are so many issues in the world that I’d like to see changed. Many things would be improved, including the way people treat the earth and each other. In this essay, I discuss the issues that are most important to me, including violence in school, misuse of social media and discrimination based on religion. I find it disheartening that these issues have such a negative effect on our society. I wish they could be eradicated completely. Change is not going to happen overnight. However, I think we can make a difference by taking action and raising awareness.

I don’t think any of this will be possible unless we all do something. Violence in schools can take many forms. There are many types of violence at school. There is bullying in every school. They want to make the school as attractive as possible for your child. Bullying is a common form of peer violence that affects half of teenagers. Students are sent a message by corporal punishment that violence at school is acceptable. It is not. Sometimes the punishment does not leave a physical scar, but a mental one that can last a lifetime. The sixth most grave form of violence is attacks on schools. In reality, the attack never occurs in a single snap. The worst kind of school-related violence doesn’t even matter. It has to be stopped. Your religion is Muslim. So, you’re automatically a terrorism. What! You are not allowed to be homosexual in Christianity. There are laws in place that should protect you against discrimination on the basis of religion. Do they?

No. People use religion to justify discrimination and to harm people. Not everyone respects the rights of others to practice their religion. LGBT people were not allowed into churches and other religious places of worship, while others were fired. It was once a shame for me to be a Muslim, because I was afraid of what other people would think. But that is no longer the case. I think we should accept everyone regardless of their religious beliefs or practices. Social media is a great way to connect people, but there are also some negative aspects. Cyberbullying, lack of social skill, excessive time consumption, privacy loss and sexual predators are some of the negatives of social media. Cyberbullying has caused many people to suffer. Social media is a platform where it’s easy to bully someone and post things that may even be deadly. People are not hesitant to post embarrassing pictures, nasty comments, fake rumors, or intimidating messages that could ruin someone’s day.

Social media can be misused in a serious way if you lose your privacy. Everyone can see what you post. It is common for people to put things that they had reported in the past and regret. However, it’s not as easy as erasing a paper. The information that is given to the media does not always go in the best hands. It could be used to commit crimes and do many other worse things. Sexual predators look for all kinds of personal data, including your phone number and scandalous pictures.

Snapchat is very addictive, I can assure you. The time spent on these sites could be better used to do something productive. The Kardashians have more of an impact on people than their siblings. The social media sites also create a separation between people. Talking to someone in person is uncomfortable for many young people. Every one of them, from violence in the schools to religious discrimination has an impact on how I view life. These are the three biggest and most serious issues in today’s society. The only way to resolve these issues is if we all put in a little effort.


  • rylandwatkins

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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