The Interrelationship Between Entertainment Media And Culture

The United States has a rich diversity of races and cultures. American culture can easily be recognized by music, religion and dress code. Media entertainment has had an impact on American culture for many years. The forms of mass media such as concerts, social networks, and television have all been influential in society. Different forms of media encourage different expressions. The mass media, for example, has helped to promote hip-hop culture in America. The art in this genre is often portrayed through video clips, and is displayed at music events. In addition, gospel artists have used some of their arts to express religious views regarding American culture (Christianity). Gospel songs like these mention God and portray various Christian virtues (Mirrlees, 2013).

The technological advancements have revolutionized the entertainment media, promoting interrelationships with American culture. Before the advents of radio, television and internet, newspapers were the main source of news. Radio was a great way to keep people informed. The radio also provided information to those who couldn’t read. The introduction of the TV a few years later allowed people to access information as well as other entertainment content. The technological advancements gave people alternative ways to access information. In the American culture, entertainment media is a must-have. It has also shaped values.

In many ways, entertainment media have shaped American culture and value. As a form or entertainment media, TV has encouraged Americans to be envious and dream about a life better than they currently have based upon the shows that are broadcast. Many people have been influenced by programs showing couples in expensive cars or houses. Both TV and Radio have both positive as well as negative effects on American values and culture. Media news can have a variety of reactions, whether it is from viewers or listeners. News of accidents, natural disasters and terrorism can sometimes be heartbreaking and depressing. Many people enjoy listening to music on the radio and TV. The influence of music on American culture is too great. Hip-hop and Country music, for example, have influenced the way Americans dress and act. Hip-hop fans wear baggy clothes and sports footwear. Country music fans also wear boots and cowboy hats as a form of identification. Music has changed how people communicate their messages, whether they are political or social. Hip-hop was used, for instance, to speak out against the harsh conditions of urban living, the brutality of the police and other social problems. Some music genres are used to educate youth and encourage positive behavior in society. Music has been used to spread messages and values that have changed American culture.

Entertainment media’s social influence has negative ramifications for American society. The influence of the entertainment media depends on what culture it is associated to. The use of music as a platform for artists to express themselves has helped them bring awareness to various social issues. Love songs are a good example of how one can express their affection towards someone, such as a spouse or family member. There are some forms of musical expression that have a detrimental effect to American culture. Some music promotes drug abuse, violence and criminal activity. (Giroux, 2016, 2016). Hardcore hip hop music, for example, has been linked to gang violence that is common among their fans. Decades of explicit hip-hop video content and scenes have affected American culture. Most music videos are not educational or informative, but portray an unhealthy culture and lifestyle which can influence youths. The society will face a challenge to eradicate certain social behaviors that threaten socio-economic advancement.

The entertainment media have had both positives and negatives effects on American culture. Americans can now easily access entertainment and information through technological advancements. Music is an effective medium that can be used to educate and inform the masses. Despite music’s influence on the American society, certain genres encourage negative behavior (Giroux 2016, for example). Some TV videos have explicit scenes, and they use foul language. Similarly, nude models are used in hip hop to discredit women. Because of this, the Americans cannot decide which media to consume. Parents should be aware of what their children are listening to as some music can negatively affect their behavior.


  • rylandwatkins

    I'm Jakob Branch, a 29 yo educational bloger and teacher. I've been teaching for over 10 years now, and I enjoy helping others learn. My focus is on helping students learn about the world around them, and I hope to do this in a way that is fun and engaging for them. I also love writing, and I hope to use my blog to share my experiences and ideas with others.

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